Rooting your Android Smartphone is actually similar to jail-broken in iPhone.
Currently many of Android user have rooted their Android Smartphone, Other wants to know what is the Advantages & Disadvantages of rooting their Android Mobile Phone. And a small percent of user don't even know what is rooting.
A rooted android phone will give you the root and unrestricted access to your Smartphone. Let's say everyday you want to use screenshot apps, CPU regulators, and a wifi tethering app (Using your phone as a WiFi hotspot) but you can't, all because you don't have root access.
Here is some top benefits to root your Android Phone:
# Save Space on Phone Internal Memory
Rooting allows you to Move cache data to SD card and speed up your phone significantly. Here is a Tutorial How to move Cache Data in SD card on Android Phone posted over XDA developer.
Currently Android 2.2 allows users to install application on SD card. But if you are using lower version and have lot of Applications on your phone it will make device slowdown. If you have rooted your Android you can install custom Rom like Cyanogen ROM for Android and a app called called Apps2SD let's you install apps on SD Card.
#Run Applications needed Root Access
There is some special Applications full of features that need root access to run such as
Android-WiFi-Tether Android Wi-FI Tether (turns Android phone into a wireless access point so that you can effectively share your phone’s Internet connection with laptops)
Set CPU Android – Overclocking your rooted device lets you speed up your phone’s processor
AutoStarts for Android let's you get control over startup programs
# Install Custom ROMs
Get the most of your Android phone using Custom ROM. Root access will let you use Custom ROM on your Android Smartphone.
# Delete stock applications
With root access you will be Able to delete stock applications that you don't use (e.g. Amazon Market)
# Install Themes
Customize your Android phone the way you want. Install themes and other home screen Apps.
Now let's talk about the Disadvantages of Rooting Android:
#Taking the risk
If you're going to Root your Android and you're unsuccessful it's quite difficult to recover things you've done.
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