Saturday, August 28, 2010

Google Talk [Registry] [Shortcuts] [Facts]

Registry Hacks:

Before applying any of these Registry Tweaks follow the steps given below:

1. Backup your Registry
2. Start -> Run -> Regedit
3. Now Navigate to the following directory

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk.

4. Make Changes based on the info given bellow.
5. Restart your PC for the changes to take effect.

The “Google/Google Talk” key has several sub-keys that hold different option values:

Accounts: This one has subkeys for each different account that has logged in on the client. These keys have different values that store the username, password and connection options.

Autoupdate: Stores the current version information. When the client checks for updates it compares Google’s response with these values. If an update is needed, it will download and update the new version.

Options: This is the most interesting part, where most of the current hacks should be used (keep reading).

Process: Stores the process ID. Probably used by Google Talk to detect if it’s already running or not.

1. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\show_pin

If 1, shows a “pin” next to the minimize button that keeps the windows on top of all the other open windows when clicked.
2. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\view_show_taskbutton

If 0, hides the taskbar button, and leaves the tray icon only, when the window is shown
3. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\away_inactive

If 1, status will be set as Away after the specified number of minutes.
4. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\away_screensaver

If 1, status will be set as Away after the specified number of minutes.
5. HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\Google Talk\Options\inactive_minutes

Number of inactive minutes to become away if auto-away is on.

Keyboard Shortcuts:

Shortcut Use
Ctrl + E It centralizes the selected text, or the current line.
Ctrl + R It justifies to the right the selected text, or the current line.
Ctrl + L It justifies to the left the selected text, or the current line.
Ctrl + I The same thing does that Tab.
Tab It is giving the area to each of the windows opened by Google Talk.
Ctrl + Tab The same thing does that Tab but in reverse.
Shift + Tab The same thing that Ctrl + Tab does.
Ctrl + Shift + L Switch between points, numbers, letters, capital letters, roman numbers and capital roman numbers
Ctrl + 1 (Key Pad) It does a simple space between the lines.
Ctrl + 2 (Key Pad) It does a double space between the lines.
Ctrl + 5 (Key Pad) A space does 1.5 between the lines.
Ctrl + 1 (Num Pad) It goes at the end of the last line.
Ctrl + 7 (Num Pad) It goes at the begin of the last line.
Ctrl + F4 It closes the current window.
Alt + F4 It closes the current window.
Alt + Esc It Minimize all the windows.
Windows + ESC Open Google Talk (if it’s minimized, or in the tray)
F9 Open Gmail to send an email to the current contact.
F11 It initiates a telephonic call with your friend.
F12 It cancels a telephonic call.
Esc It closes the current window.

Google’s Secret Command-Line Parameters:

There are a few secret parameters you can add to Google Talk and make it function differently.

You can use these parameters as follows:

“C:\program files\google\google talk\googletalk.exe” [PARAMETER]
Parameter Use
/nomutex Allows you to open more than one instance of Google Talk
/autostart It will check the registry settings to see if it needs to be started or not. If the “Start automatically with Windows” option is unchecked, it won’t start.
/forcestart Same as /autostart, but forces it to start no matter what option was set.
/S upgrade Used when upgrading Google Talk
/register Registers Google Talk in the registry, includig the GMail Compose method.
/checkupdate Check for newer versions.
/plaintextauth Uses plain authentication mechanism instead of Google’s GAIA mechanism. Used for testing the plain method on Google’s servers.
/nogaiaauth Disables GAIA authentication method. The same as /plaintextauth .
/factoryreset Set settings back to default.
/gaiaserver Uses a different GAIA server to connect to Google Talk. Used for debug purposes only, there are no other known GAIA servers.
/mailto Send an email with Gmail.
/diag Start Google Talk in diagnostic mode.
/log Probably has something to do with the diagnostic logging

Miscellaneous G-talk Facts:

* A message can be 32767 characters long.
* The Gmail account ‘’ can’t be invited as your friend

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